Thursday, May 26, 2016

Swimming with the sharks...and the whales, the swordfish, the octopi...

Whenever you read a Richie Rich story, you have to suspend a certain amount of disbelief.  That's already a given when you come across a story that also features Richie's dog Dollar.  A pet covered with dollar signs and referred to in breed as a "Dollarmation" (not sure if any kennel club worldwide recognizes this breed, especially since Dollar is the only one), I suspect there was some genetic experimentation going on in the Rich labs.  I'm digressing a bit, though; let's have a look at this story from Richie Rich Zillionz (yes, that's what it says on the cover) #6 (dated Oct. 1977).  Something really smells fishy (pun intended!) about it!

Oh, come on, Mr. Rich!  You're kind of being a drama queen here!  These are ocean creatures we're talking about here, not tropical fish!  I think they'll be OK!  Whoever wrote this story must have been doing some serious fishing (groan!) for a story idea, and this is what he came up with!  OK, read on...

Oh, where to begin here!  Sooooo many things wrong with this!  First, I'm no expert in marine biology, but I'm pretty sure at least a couple of these creatures are natural enemies, so there's no way they would be transported or kept in the same tank!  Second, the suggestion is made to "go for a swim."  Bad idea, Freckles!  These creatures are wild and typically not fond of human interaction.  They shouldn't even be in the same enclosure.  But this being a Harvey comic, all the reader sees is happy, smiling sea creatures playing with happy, smiling children.  No blood-tainted pool, no dismemberment, nothing horrific!  Don't you just miss the heyday of the Comics Code?

Why are many common criminals in comics nicknamed "Lefty"?  In TV shows and movies, too, for that matter?  Is the implication that left-handed people are dishonest and lead lives of crime?  That's about 10 percent of the population; doesn't exactly match up with statistics!

Yeah, crooks, you SHOULD be scared!  That shark is a man-eater!!!  "Jaws" had been released a couple of years prior to this story, so that vision of a Great White chomping down on Robert Shaw is still fresh in people's minds! But relax, guys; this shark appears to be toothless.  But watch out for that swordfish; it looks determined to carve you guys up into sushi!

No way, Lefty and Slugger!  Squidly Diddly there will prevent your escape, but first the whale will give you an impromptu enema before the cops haul you away!

And what's with that truck?  From an engineering standpoint, not very sound!  Gasket could leak, truck could get rear-ended...  A disaster waiting to happen!  And STILL no separation of the different species!

Oh, yes!  Let's have a pool party after the aquatic creatures have been removed!  No scrubbing, no sterilization!  Disgusting!  Those crooks probably did you kids a favor draining the pool!

The solution?  Use another pool on the estate?  Head to the Y?  Nope, Richie pulls some strings and gets permission to put himself and his friends in danger by having a swim in the aquarium's main tank!  Playing with fire there, Richie, playing with fire...

OK, that's it for this posting!  See you next time!


1 comment:

  1. Actually, I'd be more than slightly concerned for the unfortunate sea creatures being dumped into a *swimming pool* full of chlorine and various chemicals. No indication in the story that the chlorine water was drained out and replaced with water of appropriate ph and salinity. It just shows marine animals being dumped into a swimming pool as-is. Be prepared for a whole lotta dead animals, Richie! And soon!

    And those trucks- how do they work? Since there's no top hatch, how exactly are the sea animals loaded into the truck? Through the rear door like sacks of fertilizer?

    How is the truck filled with water, but has a rear-opening door that's somehow watertight? All that weight and water pressure- it has NO CHANCE of staying closed!
