Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Ahh, who wouldn't love a weekend getaway on a yacht?  Make sure the captain checks the weather reports; we don't want this excursion turning into more than just a "three-hour tour."  Not sure how this cruise is going to go; we already see Gilligan slouching just below the story title!  In any event, full speed ahead, kiddies!  Time to take a ride on "Aunt Noovo's Yacht!"

OK, so right off the bat, I see few things wrong here!  As the boys are boarding, you see the buoy marked "S.S. Noovo" yet in the fourth panel the ship is marked "S.S. Terribly Expensive."  This story must have been edited/proofread on a Friday afternoon.

And how is Freckles able to read the name of the ship from that vantage point?  To read it properly, he'd have to extend himself to the point where he'd fall out of that porthole and then it's "MAN OVERBOARD!"

And then there's the cabin door!  "Richie and Freckles"???  C'mon, it's not THAT kind of cruise!

By the way, where's Peewee?  For those who don't know, that's Freckles' mute kid brother and is always tagging along!  He wan't invited on this cruise?  Is he grounded for some reason?

Enter Richie's aunt Noovo!  What kind of a name is Noovo anyway?  Well, when you understand how her name is pronounced (new-vo, the last "o" is long), you'll understand.  Noovo Rich (her moniker, that is) is a play on words.  Sounds like "nouveau riche", doesn't it?

And she really needs to rethink that hairdo; unless that thing is secured by about two gallons of Aquanet, those sea winds and humidity are going to play hell with it!

Yes, boys, lots to do on the yacht!  After a quick dip in the widest shipboard pool in the world, you guys can go hit the crap tables!  Isaac can whip up a couple of his special cockta...oops, wrong boat!  Sorry!

So THAT's how we know it's the widest...and the deepest, too!  If she was a man, I'd swear Noovo was trying to compensate for something!

Yes, Freckles, read the sign!  I don't think Richie knows either...or maybe he's thinking "the less I know the better!"  Think Freckles lost his appetite in discovering he was chowing down on FISH EGGS???  I don't think he cares if it's expensive or not; it's FISH EGGS!!!  Not what he signed up for!  Bring out the Chateaubriand, medium rare!

Yes, you'd think Richie gave them the finger or something!

And the yacht is probably bigger, too!  You know Noovo; she goes all out to have the biggest and best!  Still, the sign is totally unnecessary and childish.  Think she has an axe to grind against the Navy?

And speaking of bigger boats, here's a hilarious moment from the classic comedy Caddyshack!  Enjoy!

Yeah, Judge, you scratched his anchor!  It's probably worth more than that pissant tub you call a boat!

Oh, COME ON!!!  Noovo organizes sunsets now???  What an ego!!!

So when a lighthouse malfunctions (or the keeper is passed out drunk), the Coast Guard depends on Noovo Rich to help out in a pinch!  OK, then!  Hey, at least she's civic-minded and seems to know what she's doing, like she did a stint in the Guard herself.  Can't say for sure though.

Ya know, it's great that she's helping other sea vessels from ending up shipwrecked, but advertising the fact that her yacht is worth 50 million...well, that's practically an invitation for pirates to board her ship!  Good thing they're not sailing anywhere near Somalia!

Hey, I noticed something while reading this story!  Noovo is single!  Hey, fellas, if you don't mind being a kept man, look up Noovo's profile on eHarmony.  You may have to endure a kitschy lifestyle, but you'll never have to fight rush hour traffic again!

OK, that's going to do it for this week!  Sorry I've fallen behind on posts; extraordinarily busy these past few weeks.  I'll try to get back on track.  Till next time,
