Well, this is a first! I've never added a meme to a FBF post before!
Bet you're thinking I'm going to feature something from the Toy Story comic book series (yes, there really was a series based on the popular Disney movie and its numerous sequels).
Sorry, not this time, if ever! Today's post features that lawman from the future, Judge Dredd!
So what we have here is a story that focuses on a popular fad. I'm not talking anything retro like Nehru shirts, bell bottoms, or parachute pants. This fad is something so ridiculous and potentially permanent. I'm not talking permanent like a barbed wire tattoo around the arm or even a tramp stamp. This fad...well, it's a little hard to explain! Why don't we dive right into...
I don't mind telling you I had a hell of a time scanning these panels. Whoever laid out this story loved to be creative with his panel placement! I tried to work with it the best I could, so if you find it annoying, my profound apologies!
Anyway, the first panel shows Dredd surrounded by weird-looking characters that would have Zippy the Pinhead scratching his (pin)head in disbelief. So what is going on here?
All in due time. Because now we peek in on a meeting of Mega-City One's crime syndicate. How to make criminals unrecognizable. Hmmm.....
Yeah, I think Cyclops lost a few brain cells along with his left eye! This "blob" person stands out like caca in a punch bowl. Looks like Fingers underwent this transformation in vain. Hey, maybe he can get a job for Hasbro hawking Mr. Potato Heads!
OK, I still don't get it. Now you've got 4 more guys all looking freakishly the same! Just a few more turds for the punch bowl!
Oh, now I get it! The plan is to get everyone to adopt this look! No one in their right mind would go for this, right? RIGHT???
The redhead is all in! Obviously not right in the head, not to mention she won't be a redhead anymore! As for movie and TV stars, especially those under mob control...
Lola has a choice; become a blob or take a dirt nap! After her transformation, a black woman is impressed enough to undergo the procedure. I wonder if the clinic will require persons of color to undergo skin bleaching as well.....what? It's a legitimate question!
Yes, they ARE outta their skulls! Some people just can't handle living in an overcrowded city. At least a few people aren't going for this BS!
The syndicate's plan is a go! Criminal blobs can attack normos at will. The judges are now beside themselves wondering what they're going to do! Just lock 'em all up? Where would they put 'em all???
Another problem with this "blob" fad; people can't even recognize their own family, friends, or spouses! This woman has no idea who the hell she's sharing a bed with every night! This gang might actually have abducted her husband and the guy in bed is just a stranger infatuated with the missus!
So the problem is solved by requiring every blob in Mega-City One to be tattooed with a registration number on the forehead. This smacks of something similar the Nazis did to Jews during World War 2, but here, it's clearly necessary. Probably should've taken an additional step: shut down the face-change clinics and nip this idiocy in the bud! True, they can't do much with those that have already undergone the transformation, but no more blobs will walk out of those clinics!

Back to the drawing board, guys? So much for the "blob" plan. Looks like a couple of those guys didn't need to be tattooed, especially the guy with the eyepatch! Now their plan has failed and they all look like something out of a Devo video! Congratulations, guys!
That's it for now, everybody! I'll have another post sometime in the next couple of weeks! Till then...